1) Your Health Should be a Top Priority | Take Care of YOU

No matter what is taking place in your life, always remember the value of your health. When you let your health suffer, challenges can seem incredibly difficult. The better you feel, the easier it will be to overcome challenges that you encounter in your life. Here are a few simple things you can do to keep you on the right path.

Make sure to eat a healthy breakfast. It truly is the most important meal of the day.Create yourself a weekly meal plan that includes your vital food groups. Creating a plan for yourself will also make you more knowledgeable on healthy foods you can prepare at home. Stretch for about 10 minutes in the morning and at night. Many people underestimate the value of stretching. It’ll help relax your body. It’s very therapeutic and you always feel much more physically and mentally refreshed. Save time to workout a few days a week. You can create a routine that works for you. Working out gives your body more natural energy and provides personal inspiration, as well as self-confidence. 

2) Meditate | Refresh and Clear Your Mind

Sometimes we all just need a mental break. We get so caught up in a challenge that we don’t allow ourselves to Simply Breathe.

Meditation can be very simple. Go into a quiet and comfortable space. Relax your muscles. Close your eyes. Take a deep, long breath and slowly exhale. Think happy and positive thoughts. Reflect on all the great experiences and wonderful people in your life that make you happy.

You can do this for about 5 minutes. Or you can spend more time if you would like, but 5 minutes of fully relaxed thinking can greatly benefit you.

3) Take Action | Make a Plan and Change Your Situation

Many of us get so caught up in a problem or challenge, that we don’t focus our energy upon solutions. Worrying can be one of the most toxic roadblocks in our lives. It’s very easy to allow your mind to worry. But aim to train your mind to focus on conquering your problems, instead of letting worry consume you.

The number one tool is putting your thoughts on paper. Write down your challenge and possible solutions. Write down everything that comes to mind: What is bothering you, Why it’s bothering you, etc. Brainstorm a list of ideas that can help you overcome this challenge.

4) Positive Self-Talk | Appreciate YOU

No one is perfect and we ALL struggle. Be Kind to yourself. You’re not alone. You are important no matter what challenge comes your way or how hard you struggle. Always remember that You Matter. You will make a difference in your life and the lives of others. You will always overcome your struggle.

Always keep a positive mindset. Positivity helps keep your mind on the right path. Understand that being positive will help you see the light in the toughest situations. Negativity will only bring you and those around you down even further. Always be positive and seek solutions.

5) Be Inspired by Music | Clear Your Mind

Music is one of the most therapeutic and inspirational forms of relaxation; it allows us to completely refresh and clear our minds. Rhythm, melody and great lyrics can quickly take your mind off stress and worry. Put your headphones in and just listen. Allow it to fill your mind.

Great songs can also help you connect to deeper emotions and feelings that you may be experiencing. Music reminds us that we are never alone. It allows us to feel connected with others through powerful lyrics. Simply allowing yourself to drift into the soothing rhythm can be eye-opening to inspiration surrounding you. Learning to play an instrument can also be inspirational and help challenge you to grow. Music is a language in itself. You’ll be able to better express yourself as well.

6) Seek Support | Surround Yourself with those who Care

It is important to seek support from those who love and care about you. When speaking to family and friends, explain your difficulty and ask for advice. Sometimes all we need is for someone to just Listen. The key here is to Always Speak with Positivity.

Make sure you don’t just complain to your family/friends or repeat the same worry over and over again. It’s important for you to show that you do believe you will grow and you can overcome/learn from your current challenge. When you speak with positivity, people are much more willing to help you. Sometimes, they’ll even go out of their way to help because they know you’re genuinely trying to improve.

7) Spend Time Outdoors | Appreciate Nature

Being outdoors can be one of the most refreshing atmospheres to cleanse your mind. Whichever scenery you like most, go out and get some air. The beach is one of the most refreshing places for many people. Drive to the ocean and just sit and watch the waves. Close your eyes, breathe in the fresh, crisp ocean air and remember that there is so much more to life than worry and stress.

Truly allow your outdoor atmosphere to sink in. You will almost feel like a new, refreshed person when fully letting yourself relax. Ease your mind, and think of all the wonderful experiences and people in your life, as well as the great future you have ahead of you.

8) Reflect, Keep a Journal | Express your Thoughts, Needs, Wants, Wishes

Keeping a daily/weekly journal is one of the most helpful tools possible. Putting your personal thoughts and feeling on paper (a notebook or via a computer document for journal entries) allows you to sort through your emotions. The better you understand yourself, the easier it’ll be to overcome challenges in your life.

Many challenges or struggles simply occur because we’re not sure what we want, or what we truly Value in our lives. Keeping a consistent journal will help you target your needs and prepare yourself for challenges.

9) Rid of Negativity | Surround yourself with Uplifting People

Choose to associate closely with people who Value You and want to see you succeed. They are there for you because they believe in your character and support who you are. Many worries in our lives come from self-doubt. But the doubt is often triggered from others. It’s human nature to seek acceptance. When the people you associate with do not provide support, it can make us doubt ourselves. Surround yourself with positive, uplifting people. Be kind to all, but choose to associate closely with Caring, Supportive people.

10) Keep Learning | Focus on how you can Grow Stronger

No matter what is taking place in our lives, there is always something to learn and always a reason to smile. We can continuously improve who we are and what we are capable of achieving. Personal Growth is Continuous.

The more we experience, the more we grow. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Don’t be afraid to face a challenge. Be Confident in Who You Are. Every challenge can be viewed as an opportunity to become even Stronger.

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    Heaven Sent Media Blogs are produced by Angels On Air 
    co-hosts Kathleen Moore and Candy Stevens.The two work in tandem bringing forth awareness and outreach that affects positive change in communities.Moore is a socially conscious/non-traditional marketing specialist and mommy of ten (four birth children and six adopted),who proudly founded Army Of Angels.Stevens works on visual content,design and medium research to enhance media efforts and help insure they are impactful . Together Moore and Stevens connect with a vast constituency of volunteers through Army Of Angels chapters in each U.S. State and around the world to make sure families are armed with the information they require to remain,happy,healthy and safe.


    October 2013
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